Arizer XQ2 Vaporizer Review
Arizer has established itself as one of the most trusted names in the industry by producing a long list of high-quality vaporizers over the past decade, and after using their new Arizer XQ 2 Vaporizer for a while, it's very clear that this latest addition is no exception. With sleek design, high performance and lower end price point make it an ideal choice for both newbies and seasoned vape connoisseurs alike.
So, now when we've had our hands on the new Arizer XQ for a few days, it's time to provide you guys with a complete review and let you know how it stacks up against its predecessor, the Extreme Q.
The Vapour Quality
All in all, the vapour quality produced by the Arizer XQ2 is a slightly denser, more potent and smoother than the Extreme Q. The new fan speed settings also play a large factor in this, so your mileage of great hits may vary depending on that.
Improved Fan - Full Speed Control
The Arizer XQ2 has a new improved airflow system which allows for more precise control of the fan speed and heat output. It also helps avoid hot spots and uneven heating. This ensures that every hit tastes perfect throughout the length of the session.
LED Light Modes - Dynamic & Spectrum
An LED strip with two different modes has been added to the base of the Arizer XQ2 which not only provides some nice eye candy, but also indicates the current status of the device.
Dynamic Mode
When the Arizer XQ2 is in Dynamic Mode, the LED strip, for example, pulses between yellow and orange when heating up and pulses blue when cooling down. See what the rest of the colours in dynamic mode means below:
- Pulse Yellow to Orange- Heating process
- Blinks the Green colour twice- Set temperature
- Pulses Orange continuously- Stable temperature
- Pulses purple- Fan operation
- Pulses Cyan- Cooling mode
- Pulses Blue- Cooling with a fan
Spectrum Mode
The XQ2´s Spectrum lacks any functionality, instead the LED strip gives you an elegant looking light show for those who prefers a more visual option and don't care for the added functionality of the dynamic mode.
And if you prefer a more clean look on your Arizer XQ2, the LED indicator strip can of course also be completely turned off.
Precise Temperature Control
Like its predecessor, the Arizer XQ2 vape is equipped with precise temperature control. Just like on the Extreme Q, the temperature can easily be adjusted with the remote control or the buttons on the device unit.
Updated Remote Control
Now the remote controls not only allow you to adjust the temperature but also enable you to turn off the device remotely. It also includes separate buttons for auto-off timer, and full control over the fan speed.
Improved LED Display
Let's be honest, the LCD screen on the original Extreme Q was not great, it was cluttered, and very difficult to read. The improvements made to the Arizer XQ2 Vape has removed all of this, and the result is a large and bright LED Display that provides you with all the information you need.
Whip & Balloon Bag Systems
Balloon Bag Attachment
Perfect for high-volume vaping, sharing quality vapour with your friends, and carrying around at home. Plus, you can customize the balloon size for your needs, if you for example want to enjoy a smaller amount by yourself or micro-dose with friends.
3 Feet Whip Attachment
The 3' Whip attachment got a high-quality silicone tubing that ensures smooth vapours, and the newly upgraded 360° swivel allows you to easily pass the whip around.
Arizer XQ2 Connoisseur Bowl
The Arizer XQ2 Desktop Vape includes 2 bowl options, one with a larger capacity where the screen is closer to the heating element. The second has a smaller capacity and a glass screen further from the heat source. The first option will produce thick vapours for heavy group sessions, and for those that want a light vapour for single-use or micro-dosing, the second option is for you.
Heating Element & Warm-Up Time
To vape at a higher temperature, the Arizer XQ2 should be ready within 3-4 minutes, and for those who desire to vape using a lower temperature, it will be good to go in 1-2 mins.
Heating Element Information
- Oven Material: Stainless Steel
- Oven Capacity: 0.5gr
- Activation: Session Mode
- Temp Settings: 122-500°F (50-260°C)
- Heating Method: Convection
Who Would Enjoy Using This Product?
This vape will suit anyone looking for a good and powerful desktop vaporizer without breaking their bank account. Many first time vaporizer customers often find themselves wanting a more powerful vaporizer than they need, so it's recommend to start out small with a desktop vape like the Arizer XQ2 before moving up in price point to get a more powerful device.
Final Verdict About The Arizer XQ2 Vaporizer
As mentioned earlier, every one here at Herbalize Store is already a huge fan of the previous Arizer units. They've truly offered some great vaporizing products at an affordable price for quite some time now. The new Arizer XQ2 is no different as it's all around a terrific desktop vaporizer with plenty of power to get great vapour production, and at an extremely reasonable price tag.
It's been a long time since we've had any new desktop vaporizers come out in the vape world. But now we're finally getting back into the swing of things, and it feels great to have been able to review this new and very impressive Arizer XQ2 Vape for you.